The definition of Patient, according to the FDA (USA) is: any person with, or at risk of a specific health condition, whether or not they receive therapy to prevent or treat that condition. The concept of “expert patient” was expressed in 1985 by Prof. David Tucket, of the University of Cambridge (UK), who stated that medical treatments would be more effective if doctors considered patients as experts in their own pathologies. By himself, the patient adds the perception of his own pathology, the changes that occur during the therapies, his skills, in close relationship with his doctor and with all the other health professions involved. He can also interact with other patients to share experiences.

The training of the "expert patient" of hereditary diseases of the myocardium also derives from the need for a new modality of interaction between doctor and patient, which takes into account the increased cultural level, technological innovations that allow the dissemination of scientific information, and the sharing of choices diagnostic and therapeutic which is now constantly provided for in the guidelines of international scientific societies (Shared decision making). It is also expected to participate in the new operational and collaborative models between all the parties involved, in a process of mutual enrichment of knowledge, including the research and development of new drugs, with pharmaceutical companies and regulatory bodies (AIFA) in specific pathologies. . The AICARM Association is convinced that it is necessary to contribute to the training of the "expert patient" in hereditary diseases of the myocardium.

The course will be held in the Auditorium of the Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze Foundation - via Folco Portinari, 5

Simultaneously with the second course for "expert patient", a course dedicated to patients' families will be held at the headquarters of the AICARM Association, in via dello Studio 5, located a short distance from the Folco Portinari Room, on the theme: "Management of emergencies and theoretical and practical bases of cardiopulmonary resuscitation ”, which patients' relatives can enroll in. The course is part of the project "Promotion of knowledge on cardiomyopathies and assistance to affected patients".

The President

Prof. Franco Cecchi

The President of the Scientific Committee

Prof. Iacopo Olivotto

Program II ° Course for Expert Patients
CPR course for family members

To enroll in the Course for Expert Patients in Myocardial Diseases, there are two enrollment methods:

  1. Using the registration form on the MCR Conference website after registering and creating a new account, or if you have already registered by proceeding directly to login. This is the link for online registration: Second Course for Expert Patients 
  2. By filling in the appropriate registration form and sending it by e-mail to the address of the organizing secretariat: .

There is only one way to enroll in the CPR Course for Families:

  1. By filling in the appropriate registration form and sending it by e-mail to the address of the organizing secretariat: .

Registrations will be accepted until all places are available.

The registration forms for the Training Course for Myocardial Expert Patients and for the CPR Course for Families can be downloaded at below.

Registration for the XNUMXnd Course for Expert Patients
CPR course registration for family members