Call Cuori in Ascolto the cardiomyopathy help desk

Do you suspect that you have or have been diagnosed with cardiomyopathy e you don't find all the answers to accept and live with with this condition? You have a family member involved in this pathology and you need a landmark to better guide you?

Call  055 06 20 178

Suddenly knowing that you have a "different" heart with a threatening label, like that of "Cardiomyopathy" can generate anxiety and a lot of worry.

It is important to understand well what it is, without getting scared, but trying to get to know what it is and how we can adapt and live with it….

Hearts in Listening is the service Loano train station created by AICARM APS for give support to whom, patients or their families, is involved in the experience of cardiomyopathy.

How does it work?

Listening Hearts is the new one telephone service done by ours experienced volunteers and formats that, through listening, discussion panel , sharing di experiences, they will provide you with personalized support to best deal with your Cardiomyopathy experience or that of a family member.

How does it work?

Listening Hearts is the new one telephone service done by ours experienced volunteers and formats that, through listening, discussion panel , sharing di experiences, will provide you with personalized support to better deal with your diagnosis of cardiomyopathy or that of a family member.

Hearts in Listening 055 0620178

By calling the number
055 06 20 178
you will get support for

  To share yours experiences with expert volunteers and find in dialogue, comfort and trust for your life path

Better understand your condition and become more aware of the therapeutic path yours or a family member

Orient yourself in paperwork relating to assistance, disability, exemptions and permits

How is telephone listening organised?

AICARM telephone listening is structured in two levels.

Il first level of the service involves a network of volunteers who, in addition to offering listening, support and discussion, provide Useful information to better understand your condition and learn to live with cardiomyopathy. Other than that, it helps the user to orient yourself in comparison with the Public Administration on patient rights with Cardiomyopathy (for example: issues such as exemptions, disability certificates and license renewals). Volunteers will also have the opportunity to suggest and report structures that have an adequate organization dedicated to cardiomyopathies.

If the need for a specialist in-depth study is found, Hearts in Listening provides a second level: our operators will be able to involve one psychologist and eventually a doctor. 

Who will you talk to in the first level of Listening?

On the other end of the handset you will find experienced volunteers able to talk to you about experiences and lifestyles, even in particular cases such as pregnancy. You can ask compliance information regulatory and bureaucratic and directions on the route therapeutic and diagnostic, for example, the operation of the defibrillator. Our volunteers will also be able to point you in the right direction the structures in the area more competent to follow patients with cardiomyopathy.

Who will you talk to in the second level of Listening?

On the other end of the handset you will find specialist doctors or psychologists who have experience in the treatment and diagnosis of Cardiomyopathy.

When is the Listening Hearts service active?

You will be able to speak to an operator on days Tuesday, Wednesday e Thursday from 15 to 18. On the other days of the week you can leave a message on the answering machine o send a request through the appropriate form and you will be contacted shortly to make an appointment with one of our volunteers.

How can you contact Hearts in Listening?

Hearts in Listening has two contact methods: telephoneby calling the number 055 06 20 178 or online filling out the form that you find at the bottom right of this page, in this second case you just need to enter your information and the reason for the request which will be taken care of by a volunteer who will contact you as soon as possible.

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