Dialogue between a smoker and his family doctor
Adolescents and smoking, the uncomfortable conditions when smoking is often talked about as a vice, but in reality it is an addiction. The tobacco industry exerting a strong influence on politicians, WHO data says that smoking causes around 8 million premature deaths every year. Anti-smoking centers and strategies to stop smoking and electronic cigarettes which are less harmful than traditional ones, but remain dangerous. These are the main topics of the thematic sheet on smoking created by Dr. Mauro Pecchioli, built according to the “Questions & Answers” format. Below are the first seven questions. By clicking on the link at the bottom of the article you can read the other 9.
What are the symptoms of cardiomyopathy?
Symptoms of Cardiomyopathy can be totally absent for a long time and appear at any time in life. There is not a particular symptom present in all patients. Breathlessness (“Dyspnea”) and Fatigue In some phases of the disease the ability to carry out physical activity may be limited by breathlessness and / or fatigue. [...]
Genetics -10 questions and answers
10 questions on the genetics of Cardiomyopathies and answers with the relative answers from the team of specialists who are dedicated to this pathology.
Instrumental examinations
What instrumental tests can be performed to evaluate the patient with Cardiomyopathy (CM)? TESTS with ECG Electrocardiogram (ECG) An ECG records the electrical signal generated by the heart and is performed by applying up to 12 metal plates (electrodes) placed on the chest, wrists and ankles. In the [...]
Possible complications
What are the possible complications of a cardiomyopathy? The severity of symptoms and the risk of complications vary greatly from patient to patient. Many patients have no major complaints for many years. Each patient with CM must be individually assessed and advised to prevent and manage complications The course [...]
Blood chemistry tests
What blood tests should I do? In patients with cardiomyopathy it is necessary to check some blood chemistry tests at least every year, useful for assessing the state of compensation and arrhythmic risk. These include atrial natriuretic peptides (proBNP or BNP), Troponin, which can be even only slightly elevated, [...]