With a donation you offer AICARM APS the possibility of developing projects and initiatives to improve the quality of life of those affected by Cardiomyopathy and their families.
Choose the way you prefer to offer your support to AICARM APS.
You can donate by sending a bank transfer to the c/c in the name of AICARM APS - causal Donazione - on at Credit Agricole agency of Florence.
The AICARM APS IBAN is the following: IT71W0623002819000040364692.
Remember that it is possible to deduct or deduct the amount disbursed. In order to do this, it must be "traceable", that is, it must be done with Bank transfer (or check, credit or debit card, Paypal, postal slips, etc.), attaching the receipt issued or the document proving the payment to the tax return.
Donating online is simple, secure and also very fast.
If you have a credit card belonging to the circuits Mastercard o Visas you can use it to make a donation. Simply fill out the form on the side by entering your personal details, choosing from the possible options such as donation in memory or anonymous donation, and credit card details.
Remember that it is possible to deduct or deduct the amount disbursed. To be able to do this, it must be "traceable", i.e. that it be made by (bank transfer, credit or debit card, Paypal, cheque, postal payment slips), attaching the receipt issued or the document proving the payment to the tax return.
Donating online is simple, secure and also very fast.
If you have an account PayPal you can use it to make a donation. Simply fill out the form on the side by entering your personal details, choosing from the possible options such as donation in memory or anonymous donation, and selecting the PayPal method.
Remember that it is possible to deduct or deduct the amount disbursed. To be able to do this, it must be "traceable", i.e. that it be made by (bank transfer, credit or debit card, PayPal, cheque, postal payment slips), attaching the receipt issued or the document proving the payment to the tax return.
Giving is a simple gesture but it makes a difference
Make a donation to the Association AICARM APS allows to achieve the purposes for which AICARM was established, in particular:
- Helping poor patients to be able to take advantage of reimbursement of expenses to carry out necessary analyzes or procedures, in reference centers of excellence
- Contribute to the realization of scientific research projects aimed at increasing knowledge in the field of Cardiomyopathies
- Allowing the increase of communication between patients and Cardiomyopathies experts, i.e. creating a communication network between patients and Cardiomyopathies experts at national and international level
- Improve the quality of care in patients with different types of cardiomyopathies
- Disseminate information on Cardiomyopathies, including those of genetic origin, including epidemiology, diagnostic methods and therapies, also using IT tools and organizing regional or national conferences

Tax benefits - Useful information on the taxation of donations