News on the latest discoveries and experiments for the treatment and diagnosis of Cardiomyopathies.

Life in your hands: the importance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation for families of patients with cardiomyopathy

Cardiac arrest is a reality feared by everyone, however people suffering from a form of cardiomyopathy are at greater risk than the general population. This dramatic event can happen suddenly, but thanks to Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and the use of the defibrillator, we can save lives and reduce the consequences of a lack of oxygenation to the brain and other vital organs.

November 13, 2023|

NADOLOL, import of the drug and galenic preparation

According to AIFA, Nadolol will return to the market next March 2024. In the meantime, patients who use Nadolol can purchase it abroad or use the galenic preparation prepared by an Italian pharmacy that has the active ingredient and a laboratory equipped for these preparations. The first useful addresses of pharmacies contacted by our volunteers in the cities of Milan and Florence are given.

November 12, 2023|

Nadolol can be purchased in Switzerland and the Vatican

AICARM, aware of the inconvenience caused by the lack of nadolol, has taken action to identify suppliers outside the national territory. We managed to find two suppliers, thus offering an immediate solution to the people who hire it. For those who decide to opt for this solution, it is important to know that a valid prescription is required, and the costs of the drug and its shipping must be covered.

October 28, 2023|

Magnetic resonance imaging why, how and when: the ten most frequently asked questions by patients

Why cardiac MRI is prescribed, how it is carried out and what it is used for: these are just some of the questions answered by Dr. Chiara Zocchi, who works with Dr. Maurizio Pieroni, head of the cardiomyopathies and rare heart diseases clinic of the San Donato hospital. It is a very useful decalogue for the patient who is asked to undergo this test, because it clarifies the meaning and its dynamics point by point.

October 21, 2023|
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