Editorial – Cardiomyopathy Day: New Formats for Our Community

This month in AICARM NEWS: The "Giornata delle Cardiomyopatie" event will be held in Florence on November 9, 2024, with an innovative format. In the morning, courses for expert patients and their families are planned, while the afternoon will be dedicated to the "Fai Posto al Cuore Talks", with dialogues and patient testimonials. The initiative also includes the reading of patient stories and CPR courses at the AICARM headquarters.

October 22, 2024|

Margutta Award to Giorgia Fiori, member of Aicarm APS

The actress and singer Giorgia Fiori, a member of Aicarm, was awarded the Margutta Prize - cinema and solidarity section during the XXVII edition of the "ModArt" event, Friday 14 June 2024. This is the motivation: "The Margutta Prize a young actress for her extraordinary talent and significant social commitment." The award was presented to her by Paolo Petrecca, Director of RaiNews 24, in the presence of Prof. Franco Cecchi, president of Aicarm.

June 25 2024|

Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation Course for family members of patients with cardiomyopathy

Our heart is an extraordinary organ. It works continuously, pumping oxygen-rich blood to every cell in our body. We talk about cardiac arrest when, suddenly, the heartbeat stops ("Ventricular fibrillation"), its pump function ceases and the blood flow to our organs is interrupted. Without any intervention, the brain, heart and other vital organs [...]

February 22 2023|


AICARM joins ERN GUARD-Heart, a European virtual network to facilitate access to the diagnosis and treatment of rare and complex heart diseases. ERNs, the result of a European Commission project, are virtual networks involving healthcare institutions across Europe. They aim to address complex or rare diseases and conditions that require highly specialized care and concentration of knowledge and resources.

November 10, 2022|

II ° Training Course for Expert Patients in Hereditary Myocardial Diseases

The definition of Patient, according to the FDA (USA) is: any person with, or at risk of, a specific health condition, whether or not receiving therapy to prevent or treat that condition. The concept of the "expert patient" was expressed in 1985 by Prof. David Tucket, of the University of Cambridge (GB), who stated that medical treatments would be more effective if doctors [...]

October 13, 2022|

Dilated cardiomyopathy: improved survival over the past 40 years

Dr. Gabriele Castelli, Cardiomyopathies Unit - AOU Careggi Florence Dr Gabriele Castelli Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy has always been considered a very serious condition, with mortality rates comparable to those of some of the most important neoplastic diseases. In the 80s, 5-year survival was less than 50%! In approximately half of the cases the death was attributable to [...]

February 14 2021|

AICARM legal recognition

Dear members, donors, friends and supporters of AICARM, with great pleasure I inform you that the administrative process, which began this spring, relating to the legal recognition of our association has been successfully concluded. On 14 December 2020, AICARM Onlus was registered at no. 1130 of the Tuscany Region register of legal persons. For our association it is an important result that opens up the possibility of [...]

December 19 2020|

What do successful grads think you should study?

Learn to think smart. Etiam consectetur odio erat, quis mattis leo vestibulum non. Fusce ex ligula, tristique quis finibus sed, placerat sed libero. Phasellus convallis, sem ac tristique interdum, purus purus vehicula quam, ut fermentum sem orci in est. Aliquam leo purus, iaculis non condimentum hendrerit, vestibulum quis tortor. Vestibulum quis viverra felis. Vestibulum elementum magna ut diam placerat, in venenatis est egestas. [...]

March 16 2016|
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