AICARM fully supports the Global Heart Hub guiding principles for patient involvement and engagement in Cardiomyopathies research
Global Heart Hub (GHH) supports the principle of patient involvement and commitment in Cardiomyopathies research. The GHH Cardiomyopathy Patient Council believes that the perspective of people with personal experience of Cardiomyopathy and the impact it can
have, should inspire all stages of the research process to lead to better outcomes for people with this condition.
The community of patients with cardiomyopathies will support those research projects in which researchers accept the following guiding principles: inclusivity and empowerment, accountability, transparency, collaboration, communication and impact.
AICARM fully supports the Global Heart Hub guiding principles for patient involvement and engagement in Cardiomyopathies research
To find out more about the Global Heart Hub follow this link: Global Heart Hub.