AICARM ONLUS, a donation that saves the heart

The activities of AICARM ONLUS are financed exclusively by members and donors as at the moment the association has chosen to maintain its own independence and not to accept funding from pharmaceutical companies, except for targeted educational projects. This is why we appeal to everyone to take into consideration the instrument of donations that allow the Association to carry out its mission which is articulated in many activities in the interest of patients and their families. 

AICARM ONLUS began its activity by disseminating precise and authoritative information on cardiomyopathies, diagnostic methods and therapies using the web and social media; has started a program of conferences and meetings to help patients acquire knowledge and awareness for the most appropriate management of the disease; has opened a dialogue with AIFA to request the availability of essential drugs in Italian pharmacies and is helping research in various ways: scholarships, new tools, smartwatches that monitor arrhythmias. Furthermore, those who donate enjoy some tax advantages. 

So donate, donate, donate. 

Cardiomyopathies are a group of inherited diseases of the heart muscle. They are thought to be rare, but around the world, for example, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy occurs in at least two in every thousand people. Very often they are not diagnosed and are only spoken of when they are suddenly affected by famous people from the world of sport or entertainment. 

Unfortunately, it is a common experience that a patient with cardiomyopathy feels left alone, confronted with a medical community not always prepared to properly manage his disease, a society that does not recognize his difficulties, and a research that does not have the necessary funds. to give an impetus for the discovery of new and more effective treatments. 

Cardiomyopathy, in patients with the most severe forms and manifestations, can become a disabling disease and eventually make a heart transplant necessary. However, scientific research for the treatment of cardiomyopathies is not funded as for other diseases, such as cancer, for which many forms of widespread and popular fundraising are active. Patients do not have easy access to forms of assistance recognition, such as disability, and are faced with the difficulties of bureaucracy, such as for example for the renewal of the driving license.

AICARM ONLUS knows these problems very well and is committed to making a contribution to circulate information and ideas useful for improving the quality of life of patients, minimizing the impact of cardiomyopathies on the clinical, psychological, economic and professional well-being of affected people. Despite being young, born about two years ago, AICARM ONLUS is strengthened by the decades-long scientific and clinical experience of many of its members and founding members. AICARM ONLUS  is a patient association in which doctors and nurses participate who have for some time been focusing on the patient with cardiomyopathy. 

AICARM ONLUS began its activity by disseminating precise and authoritative information on cardiomyopathies, diagnostic methods and therapies using the web and social media. As soon as the pandemic allowed it, AICARM ONLUS has started a program of conferences and meetings to help patients acquire knowledge and awareness for the most appropriate management of the disease, as well as a course for their family members aimed at acquiring the practices to be implemented in the event of emergency events in the affected family member.

These meetings also aim to bring together people who are confronted with similar problems every day so that they can get to know each other and share experiences and emotions. An example is given by the dialogue opened by AICARM ONLUS with AIFA to request the availability in Italian pharmacies of a drug, Ritmodan, whose distribution had been suspended in Italy. Problem to which we have been able to give an emergency solution by identifying a foreign supplier able to supply our patients.   

 AICARM ONLUS is helping research in various ways: we funded a scholarship for the Cardiomyopathies Unit of the Careggi AOU in collaboration with the ARCARD Foundation. We are also organizing a fundraiser to contribute to the donation of a Freezer for the conservation of biological samples, for the same Unit. We are also completing a study to evaluate in patients with cardiomyopathy who have a high risk of arrhythmias, the usefulness of smartwatches capable of detecting atrial fibrillation, making single-channel ECGs.

The activities of AICARM ONLUS they are financed exclusively by members and donors as at the moment the association has chosen to maintain its own independence and not to accept funding from pharmaceutical companies, except for targeted educational projects. 

Ptherefore we invite all those who can make a contribution to make a donation using the available tools, such as bank transfer, credit card and Paypal, by visiting the website, or by postal order (c / c 1052251913 IBAN IT14X0760102800001052251913

We remind you that donations allow the donor to save tax (see the website 

In particular, an amount equal to 30 per cent of the disbursements in cash or in kind is deducted from the gross tax. The deduction is calculated on a maximum amount of Euro 30.000. As an alternative to the deduction, the payments made to non-profit organizations are deductible, up to a maximum limit of 10% of the total declared income. As for the choice between deduction and deduction, the tax benefit depends on the income. For incomes exceeding around 29 euros, it is usually more convenient to apply the deduction. In this case, if the total income declared in the year does not allow the entire deduction, the donor can deduct anything not used in the following years up to the fourth year.

For convenience, we report here the instructions to make the donation by bank transfer to the bank account in the name of AICARM ONLUS - reason: Donazione -  

Credit Agricole Florence agency - IBAN: IT71W0623002819000040364692

We thank you by reminding you that yours will be a donation that saves the heart.

We take this opportunity to send our dearest and best wishes for the Holidays. 

The President

Prof. Franco Cecchi