Research, service, human relationship
Research, service, human relationship
The September issue of AICARM NEWS focuses on the three fundamental pillars of the association: volunteering, commitment to patients' rights and the value of scientific research. The crucial role of volunteers, particularly in the Cuori in Ascolto service, in providing support to patients is highlighted. The importance of AICARM's action in promoting national guidelines for issuing driving licenses to patients with cardiomyopathy is underlined. Finally, the Association's support for a study by the University of Pisa on the psychological well-being of young people with cardiomyopathy is mentioned.
Three proposals, in the name of patients' rights
Last July, the Senate approved the motion that lays the foundations for putting an end to the Dantean hell in which the patient who must have or renew a driving license ends up. Now AICARM is committed to implementing what the document provides: national guidelines valid throughout the country, which must take into account the different clinical situations and the fact that road accidents caused by the use of these devices are statistically irrelevant.
The need to share feelings and emotions
The need to share feelings and emotions
AICARM can live and realize the principles of its mission of supporting patients thanks to the work of volunteers whose number is constantly growing. This interview with a volunteer who is part of the Cuori in ascolto service (the telephone line dedicated to patients and their families) opens a series of testimonies and human and professional experiences that are the substance and reason of our Association.
Challenges for Cardiomyopathy Patients as They Transition to Adulthood
Challenges for Cardiomyopathy Patients as They Transition to Adulthood
In 2022, the University of Pisa, led by Professor Martina Smorti, launched a research study on the psychological and relational well-being of young people with cardiomyopathy. From the results of this study, an intervention project funded by AICARM Aps was launched, at the Cardiomyopathy Unit of the AOU Careggi-Firenze, whose first results seem to confirm how group meetings can constitute a support network to deal with the transition to adulthood.
The President of AICARM and a patient associate presented the campaign “Make room for the heart” during the #Run for inclusion event in Milan
On Saturday 21 September, the President of AICARM and a patient member, who testified about her experience with cardiomyopathy, participated in the presentation of the campaign “Make room for the heart” as part of the #Run for inclusion event in Milan. The initiative aims to raise awareness among the general public about Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy (HOC) and give a message of hope to patients affected by it. For the campaign – promoted by Bristol Myers Squibb and created with the patronage of the patient association AICARM APS, Italian Cardiomyopathy Association, SIC, Italian Cardiology Society and ANMCO, National Association of Cardiologists – a bench in the shape of a sheet was installed, symbolizing the importance of providing information about a little-known heart disease. The event was recorded and will soon be presented on our channels.
The 2023 annual report of the AICARM APS association
We present the 2023 Annual Report of AICARM APS which illustrates the Association's activities and the results achieved in the last year.
We invite you to download the report, available in PDF format, at the following link: AICARM APS Annual Report 2023
We support AICARM APS with a donation
The next The deadline for submitting your tax return is October 15th. and it is useful to remember to indicate AICARM as the recipient of the donation.
The 5×1000 donation allows all taxpayers to donate a portion of their taxes to a non-profit organization of their choice, without additional costs as it is already included in the amount paid.
Monthly newsletter
Florence court registration
n ° 6148 of 27/7/2021
Piero Meucci
AICARM APS periodically publishes AICARM NEWS, the AICARM newsletter. You can receive upcoming releases directly in your email inbox by filling out the form below. To consult the issues released, consult the page: AICARM NEWS, the AICARM newsletter.