AICARM NEWS - News that is good for the heart


The Senate accepted our requests, starting the drafting of guidelines on driving licenses

This month in AICARM NEWS:
The Senate of the Republic has approved an agenda to rapidly draw up national guidelines "concerning the issuing and/or renewal of driving licenses in the presence of patients with cardiomyopathies who have had a pacemaker implanted and /or an implantable defibrillator (ICD)”

The course on the treatment of Obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, sponsored by AICARM, saw the participation of the best Italian specialists. HCM surgery has made significant strides towards minimally invasive techniques, which reduces trauma and allows patients to quickly return to their daily lives. Clear information becomes important to encourage acceptance of the intervention. The establishment of a register of innovative therapies has been announced.

Finally we publish an interview with the actress Giorgia Fiori, the new face of AICARM which is also the testimony of a battle won.

Read the editorial

The reasons for science and the rights of patients

Aicarm at the licensing guidelines table

The calls to the "Hearts in listening" service highlight the via crucis that patients have to face before the special driving license commission. Valerio Pelini, Vice President of AICARM, talks about his experience. The sentence is always the same, taken on the basis of inadequate guidelines: renewal for one year. The Senate's agenda paves the way towards national guidelines, which provide for a different evaluation of different situations.

Innovative surgical therapies for all patients

The course on the treatment of Obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, sponsored by AICARM, saw the participation of the best Italian specialists. HCM surgery has made significant strides towards minimally invasive techniques, which reduces trauma and allows patients to quickly return to their daily lives. Clear information becomes important to encourage acceptance of the intervention. The establishment of a register of innovative therapies has been announced.

Contains video interviews of the course directors.

Giorgia Fiori, the face of AICARM

The actress Giorgia Fiori, testimonial of Aicarm

Giorgia Fiori is a 31-year-old actress of Marche origins. Giorgia achieved success with great tenacity by fighting the challenge of cardiomyopathy which forced her to live with an implanted defibrillator, which later intervened to stop her arrhythmias.

To help all those like her who have to face risks and problems related to the disease every day, she has agreed to become the face of AICARM and is committed to raising public awareness to support the activity of all those who have set themselves the mission of helping the patients and their families.


Run For Inclusion it is a non-competitive event that winds through the streets of central Milan. The event takes place on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd September. Open to anyone who wants to get involved to promote inclusion through physical activity and leave a message of positivity for a more inclusive society. On Saturday 21 September, a representative of AICARM was invited to the event to demonstrate the importance of physical activity in patients with cardiomyopathy.

Proper hydration is crucial to patient health

It is always useful to remember that if hydration is fundamental at any time of the year, in summer it is crucial!
Especially for the heart!!
Read article on le recommendations of the food safety authority

We support AICARM APS with a donation

Donate 5x1000 Aicarm APS

In this tax return period, we would like to draw attention to an important opportunity: the destination of the 5x1000 to Aicarm, the Italian Cardiomyopathies Association. The 5×1000 donation allows all taxpayers to donate a portion of their taxes to a non-profit organization of their choice, without additional costs as it is already included in the amount paid.


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Florence court registration

n ° 6148 of 27/7/2021


Piero Meucci

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